Executive Board:
President: Mag. Hubert Petrasch (Austria)
Vice-presidents: Dr. Sándor Szakács (Romania), Andrea Heim (Germany)
Manager: Andrea Heim (Germany)
Studied theology and religious education in Vienna
2012-2018 Federal Managing Director of the Forum of Catholic Adult Education in Austria
2002-2004 and 2012-2014 Chairman of the KEBÖ (Conference of Adult Education in Austria)
Since 2004 Managing Director of the Adult Education Office in the Archdiocese of Vienna
Adresse: Stephansplatz 3/2, A-1010 Wien
E-Mail: h.petrasch@edw.or.at
Foto: Stephan Doleschal
Born 1973 in Targu Mures
Studied philosophy, theology and social sciences / PhD on the migration of Hungarians from Transylvania
Since 2019 Hungarian Ministry of the Interior – Department of Convergence Resources – Coordinator of Ecclesiastical and Civil Contacts
From July 1, 2010 onwards, continuous Managing Director for Adult Education of the Archdiocese of Alba Iulia, at Pro Educatione Study and Adult Education Network Association
2016-2019 Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources – Strategic Officer
2014-2016 Türr István Institute for Education and Research – Head of Department for Cross-border Projects, Budapest
2014-2016 Communications employee of the Order of the Brothers of Mercy in Buda (communication, corporate identity, website development, contact with foreign partners), Budapest
2008-2015 Director Manager Hotel Salvator, Jakab Antal Educational House (multi-level development concept) Sumuleu Ciuc/Csíksomlyó/Schomlenberg
2009-2015 President of the Marian Way Association of Transylvania (cooperation with the Franciscans to develop the sacred content of the pilgrimage site) Sumuleu Ciuc/Csíksomlyó/Schomlenberg
May 2007 – June 2008: ExxonMobil Business Supporty Center Hungary, Marketing for Fuels, Contact and Pricing for Italy, (SAP and GCMS global contract management system) Budapest
Feb 2006 – April 2007: EDS Hungary KFT, CID Central COGNITA, Leverage Support for Continental and INVISTA: IMAC Delivery Workplace Services – Service Desk CID (Windows Server 2000, Remote Desktop Management, Owner Asset Management for Continental, Quality Management System Coordinator), Budapest
January 2005 – February 2006: EDS Hungary Ltd, Contact Center Hungary, Shared Services, IT Support, Budapest
April 2001 – March 2005: Coordinator of the CARITAS Information Office: Develops a social systems database, Electronic press work: Church news (Infosender, News) – Weekly, Political analysis (Infosender, Political Observer) – Weekly, Media activity (radio, electronic press) Sumuleu Ciuc/Csíksomlyó/Schomlenberg
Adress: Association Instutio Pro Educationem, Transilvaniensis, U-1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 9 / IV.1
E-Mail: proeducatione.post@gmail.com
Born 1982 in Ulm.
Study of political science and sociology and public management.
National managing director of Katholische Erwachsenenbildung Deutschland Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. (KEB Deutschland), the national association of catholic institutions of adult education (presently with 58 members with around 575 institutions). KEB Deutschland is contributor of the European Office for Catholic Youth and Adult Education in Bruxelles.
Adress: Rheinweg 34, D-53113 Bonn
E-Mail: heim@feeca.eu