• European Federation for Catholic Adult Education

  • Europäische Föderation für Katholische Erwachsenenbildung

  • Federation Européenne pour l’Education Catholique des Adultes


About us

The European Federation for Catholic Adult Education – Federation Européenne pour l’Éducation Catholique des Adults (FEECA) –, which was founded in 1963, connects national umbrella-organsisations of catholic adult education to an european network.

Oriented in the Christian understanding of the human being, the members of FEECA see their task in the effort in human dignity and the human right of holistic education in a pluralistic european society. FEECA supports the work of their members in a wide variety of ways. It provides an opportunity for an exchange of experience between the members, organises conferences, symposia and seminars, invites to participate in education programmes and it develops own projects in this framework.

FEECA maintains contacts with national and international church and public institutions and participates actively in education policy. FEECA works closely with the European Office for Catholic Youth and Adult Education. It has an independent, non-profit legal status. On average about 4.660.000 people participate in 206.000 activities of all Catholic Adult Education Facilities, which are part of FEECA. This is an amount of 2.700.000 working units.

© FEECA – Europäische Föderation für Katholische Erwachsenenbildung – European Federation for Catholic Adult Education – Federation Européenne pour l’Éducation Catholique des Adults